Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Butchers from the North by Femi Fani-Kayode

The Former Aviation Minister shared this article
on his Facebook wall this afternoon. Read
The butchers from the north are better
known as the Fulani militants and
herdsmen. They have unleashed horror
and levied war against the people of
Nigeria over the last one year. The
saints are the Christians that they have
slaughtered all over the country in that
same period of time.I consider every
single saint that they have killed as a
martyr because they died for their faith. I
honor them with this essay and I
dedicate it to their memory.
On 24th August 2016 Mr. Phil Smart wrote the
following on Facebook:
"Catholic seminarian butchered, pregnant
woman's stomach cut Fulani
herdsmen continue killing in Enugu".
The words were accompanied by a picture of a
Catholic priest whose body had been shredded
into pieces like fresh mincemeat or a Japanese
sirloin steak.
There was another of a pregnant woman whose
stomach had been slit open right down the
middle and whose unborn foetus and guts were
hanging out for all to see. Clearly she had been
carefully and clinically gutted.
Many other bodies were strewn all over the
burnt out fields and compounds of the village
and some were so badly mutilated and chopped
up that it would have been difficult to convince
anyone that they once belonged to human
beings. Not even babies were spared.
In truth this was not the work of men but rather
of demon-possesed hybrid entities that the
famous British conspiracy-theorist Mr. David
Icke describes as "shape-shifting reptilians" and
sociopathic beasts.
Worse still this was the second time in a matter
of weeks that the relative tranquility of Enugu
was desecrated by the prescence of these
nomadic beasts and murdering bastards.
On the previous occassion they caused as
much havoc, slaughtered as many people and
engendered as much consternation and outrage
as the succeeding one.
Yet it doesn't stop there. On the very same day
that the latest attack in Enugu was going on
other Nigerians were being attacked and "burnt
alive" by people of the same radical Islamist
bent and spirit in far away Zamfara for
"blaspheming against Islam".
Other similar attacks by the same fanatics and
jihadists took place on that day in southern
Kaduna, Benue, Niger, Ondo, Plateau, Delta and
various other parts of the country.
If the truth be told this carnage and butchery
has now become a daily occurence in our
country and it is always the same people,
namely the butchers from the north, that
perpetrate them.
The worst aspect of it all is that no-one has
ever been arrested, prosecuted or brought to
justice by the govermment for these hideous
crimes mainly because President Buhari himself
is a Fulani and consequently the authorities
seem to have cultivated a soft-spot for them.
Indeed Buhari is actually the life Patron and
"protector-in-chief" of the umbrella organisation
of all the Fulani Herdsmen in Nigeria which is
known as Miyetti Allah.
There is of course another view which is that
the herdsmen are actually a tool of conquest
who are being carefully cultivated, co-ordinated,
controlled, organised, armed and funded by a
sinister and dark hidden hand: that they are
something akin to a Fulani "death squad" or
armed militia.
Those that share that view, and yours truly is
amongst them, often refer to the butchers from
the north as Nigeria's "Janjaweed", after the
ruthless camel-riding Arab Muslim militia which
Sudanese President Al Bashir commissioned,
armed and employed to decimate, slaughter and
commit genocide against over one million
defenceless black African Sudanese Christians
in the vast region of Darfur for many years.
It is also why the U.S.-based Global Terror
Index describes them as the "Fulani Militants"
and has designated them as the "fourth most
deadly terrorist organisation" in the world.
Whatever one chooses to call them, whoever is
behind them and whatever their motives may be
one thing is clear: their actions are outrageous
and barbaric and such behaviour has no place in
a civilised society.
I feel a deep sense of anger and outrage on the
one hand and utter shame and frustration on
the other about what is going on in our country
today and what these butchers from the north
are doing to our people.
Theirs is a scorthed earth policy and they take
no prisoners. They rape, kill, abduct, kidnap and
terrorise people and they rob, burn down,
destroy and pillage their homes, churches and
farmlands at will.
Worse still they commit these atrocities with
total impunity and without any fear of the law
enforcement agencies or security forces.
And all this is done in the name and under the
guise of herding cows and looking for grazing
land for their cattle.
I feel a deep sense of anger and outrage
towards President Buhari and his government,
because they seem to believe that the constant
spilling and shedding of innocent Christian blood
is something that brings them good fortune.
It also appears to give them immense pleasure
and joy otherwise they would have put a stop to
it long ago.
I feel shame and frustration because the
Nigerian people themselves seem wholly
incapable of standing up to that which is
nothing less than pure evil.
They seem incapable of protesting against
anything, no matter how bestial and barbaric
that thing may be.
I wonder who has bewitched us? Is this the
work of the "mai chanji" sweeping broom brew?
Have the Nigerian people been charmed? Are
we under a spell? Are we like the biblical
Galatians who the Apostle Paul says were
Our people appear to be wholly incapable of
resisting and facing down those that have
enthroned sadism and wickedness in their
hearts and that take pleasure in indulging in
mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing in
our land.
It is not only the government that has failed but
the political leaders from all the opposition
parties, the traditional rulers, the clerics, the
religious leaders, the media practitioners, the
publishers, the columnists, the writers, the
human rights activists, the editorial boards of
newspapers, the bloggers, the intellectuals, the
businessmen, the teachers, the students, the
writers, the elites, the middle class, the
workers, the unions and the ordinary people
themselves have all failed too.
They have all been gripped by the spirit of fear.
They have been bullied, intimidated, brow-
beaten and shocked into pitiful submission and
a sickening and cowardly timidity.
They have all failed to defend and speak up for
the defenceless, the weak and the vulnerable in
our midst.
They have failed to protect and shield the
thousands that are hacked to pieces and burnt
alive on a regular basis by the rabid islamist
beasts and terrorists in our midst for no just
cause other than the fact that they are
perceived as being nothing but Christian, Middle
Belt and southern slaves.
I am going to say some hard things and speak
some home truths in this conbtribution and
frankly I do not care who takes offence, whose
ox is gored or who feels hurt by it.
People are being killed by the demons in flesh,
the tsetse flies and the religious and ethnic
bigots in our land every day. Buhari's Nigeria is
awash with blood and most of it is Christian
blood that is being shed by his misguided and
dark-hearted Fulani kinsmen.
It is time to speak the truth no matter how ugly
that truth may be and no matter how politically
incorrect it may be to speak it.
It is time to stand up to the evil in the land, to
damn the consequeces and to bear the threats
and insults that always come for speaking and
exposing the truth in what has essentially
become a police state.
It is time to coin that famous Ghanaian phrase
that says "all die be die" and to remember
Shakepeare's words when he wrote "even
though the heavens fall, let the truth be told
and let justice be done".
And that truth is that the evil that has seized
our land has two columns, two heads and two
primary sources of motivation. The first is the
forceful and bloody quest for Fulani supremacy,
ethnic hegemony and racial domination.
The second is the morbid obsession by the
radical Muslims of core northern Nigeria to shed
innocent blood, to take life in the name of their
god, to effect Jihad against those that do not
share their world view, to wipe out Christianity,
to enslave our people and to islamise our
The truth is that every single CORE northern
Muslim leader that has ever ruled this country
has either died on the throne or been removed
from power in a military coup. Not one of them
ended well.
Whether the second coming of Buhari will end
any differently remains to be seen. One thing
that is clear to me though is that the whole
thing is spiritual. It is being orchestrated and
effected by the finger of God and not by any
It is God's way of saying that they were never
meant to rule and be there in the first place
and that He has rejected them. It is the work of
the Ancient of Days and the Lord God of Hosts.
They believe that they were "born to rule" but in
actual fact they have been rejected by the
Living God.
Those that employ mass murder, ethnic
cleansing and genocide as a tool of conquest
and a legitimate weapon of war, that consider
their fellow Nigerians to be sub-human and that
believe that those fellow Nigerians are nothing
but chattel and serfs that are destined to be
ruled over by some distant caliph are in grave
error: they have not fully understood God's plan
and purpose for this country.
They cannot comprehend or understand what is
slowly unfolding. They do not appreciate the
fact that no matter how much evil they visit on
the rest of us that God is at work and His
counsel alone will stand over our people and in
the affairs of our nation.
The truth is that the Lord regards them as
nothing more than unbelieving slaves and they
are far below us. They are of the darkness and
we are of the light.
The bible describes it is a "great evil under the
sun" when "the children of slaves ride on
horseback" whilst "the sons of Kings walk
around barefoot".
That is what has been happening in Nigeria
since 1960. The children of the "bonded
woman" have been riding on horseback whilst
the children "of promise" have been walking
around barefoot.
This is indeed "a great evil under the sun". It is
a spiritual affliction. It is witchcraft. It is an
abomination. It is unacceptable.
It is a total reversal of the way things ought to
be. It is a rejection, usurpation and total
corruption of God's original plan. It is ungodly
and it is anti-Christ.
I blame no-one but the leadership of the body
of Christ in Nigeria for this mess.
There are a few good ones amongst them who
stood firm and spoke out when it mattered the
most but sadly there are others who are more
interested in collecting tiny crumbs from the
President's table and buying fine clothes,
expensive jewelry, fast cars and private jets
than they are in standing up for their flock and
effecting God's purpose and plan for Nigeria.
Worst still there is also a small handful, like that
short and vocal Rev. Father from Enugu, who
have chosen to sell their souls to the devil,
collaborate with the enemies of Christ and
serve as the principal cheerleaders to the
If our men and women of God were bold and
courageous and if they were doing their job
properly the radical Muslims could not have
turned Christians in Nigeria into second class
citizens and toilet paper and a sharia-loving,
Muslim-fundamentalist, closet- jihadist and
Fulani supremacist like Buhari would never
have been in power today.
The bottom line is this: if you are not ready to
die for Christ or to lose your life or liberty for
defending and protecting the gospel, God's
children or the faith then you are not worthy of
being called a Christian.
We must help the Christian Association of
Nigeria (CAN) to stand firm and strengthen their
collective resolve but we must not leave it at
We must also organise ourselves as well, not
only in the political arena, but also by setting
up strong Christian militias and defence squads
to protect our churches and our people from
the terrorists and butchers.
We must aspire to emulate the Christian
Phalange militia in Lebanon which was formed
just before the Lebanese civil war broke out in
the '70's and 80's.
They were disciplined, well organised, gallant
and courageous and they defended the lives of
their people and the honor of their faith. The
truth is that had it not been for the Phalange
the Christians of Lebanon would have been
wiped out by the Muslims in that war.
I abhore violence and neither do I advocate its
use. However we must accept the fact that,
whether we like it or not, ultimately this matter
will be settled not just by prayers, politics, long
essays and press statements but also with guns
and bullets.
This is because violence is the only language
that the butchers from the north appreciate and
can comprehend. If the state is either incapable
or refuses to protect the Christian community in
Nigeria we will be left with no choice but to
defend ourselves and protect our own.
Permit me to conclude this contribution with
the following.
I would urge all those that still love and support
this government to take a long hard look at the
pictures that are strewn all over the internet of
their fellow Nigerians that have been mutilated
and carved up like Christmas turkeys and sallah
goats. This is the work of Buhari's kinsmen, the
Fulani militias and herdsmen.
He has refused to arrest any of them let alone
bring them to justice. Instead he has ruined our
economy, impoverished and destroyed the lives
of our people and aborted their God-given
destiny, divided our nation on religious and
ethnic lines, demonised us before the
international community and labelled every
Nigerian, apart from himself, as being
incompetent and corrupt.
This is a man that spends his time pontificating
about corruption with long and boring speeches
and pointing fingers at others. This is a man
that told Mr. Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of
Japan at the Tokyo summit in Nairobi just
yesterday, that Nigeria's "business environment
is not friendly to investors" and that
consistently tells other world leaders how
supposedly "corrupt" his own people are.
He has conveniently refused to tell those same
world leaders how his presidential campaign
was funded, how much money those that ran
his campaign paid Mr. David Axelrod, President
Obama's campaign advisor and publicist, and
how many cars and how much "allowance" he
collected from Col. Sambo Dasuki, President
Goodluck Jonathan's National Security Advisor,
before being "elected" President.
The Bible says "let he who is free of sin cast
the first stone". Nigerians may not know the
truth today but God does and He cannot be
mocked. Let Him judge between us.
Yet the truth is that President Buhari's
administration is not only essentially hypocrital
but they also have no shame. All those that
continue to support them and cheer them on
are equally shameless.
Worst still their supporters are cowards because
they cannot find the courage to admit that they
were wrong in supporting a government that is
manifestly divisive, insensitive, incompetent,
corrupt and intolerant of criticism and dissent.
They are the ones that we must hold
responsible and accountable for what has
happened to those unfortunate people in all
those pictures.
They are the ones that we must blame for what
has been happening to thousands of others at
the hands of the Fulani militants and herdsmen
all over the country for the last one year and
three months.
I say this because they are the ones that have
encouraged the beast and cheered him on.
They are the ones that have fed his blood-lust
and encouraged him in his morbid quest to
steal, kill and destroy. They are the ones that
wanted, and still want, "mai chanji".
I say a pox on all their houses! Shame on them
and shame on the beast and tyrant that they
May the souls of all the saints, believers and
Christian martyrs that were cut short by the
butchers and barbarians from the north rest in
peace and may the Lord God of Hosts avenge
them speedily.

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